fyrefoxz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fyrefoxz/art/Arashi-Kageyama-276394642fyrefoxz

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fyrefoxz's avatar

Arashi Kageyama



Arashi Kageyama final for Shadowdawn Genesis. Did a quick, basic background since this was for in-game artwork.
Image size
4800x7200px 8.19 MB
© 2011 - 2024 fyrefoxz
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carterman's avatar
when is the game coming out? your website says 2011 but the year ends in a few days. It actually looks pretty fun though so...I was also wondering if you wanted a writer to help you out. I have experience with RPG's and can show some of my work. A lot of dialogue goes into a game, even though a lot of developers choose to make it up nearly at the end, leading to a disappointing experience. I could help you out with that and plot if you want. PM me if you are interested but either way, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!