Thank you, Lauren, for helping me to embrace my feminine side via My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Without it, and you, I would never have started on this journey that I'm on.
She kinda sorta also did the same for me, but on a smaller scale. What started as a love for MLP Gen 4 turned into me delving more into feminine shows. Prior to me watching MLP, I would NEVER have touched Sailor Moon, Madoka Magica, Little Witch Academia, or maybe even Owl House. However, thanks to her, I was able to step into that uncharted territory and open up new avenues.
Thank you, Lauren Faust!
Happy birthday to you!
Hi there Ms. Faust!
Thx for bringing all kinds of joy in world all your characters made my childhood one I’ll never forget and you are my biggest inspiration and idol hopefully one day I’ll bring joy just like you. 😊
thank you for everything.
Thank you for changing my life, for bringing me joy and getting me through some of the toughest times through the means of your characters and story. I could've never asked for a better childhood.
-Sincerely, your biggest fan💛