At first I was just two cells, one of which won an informal swimming competition. Then, a blastula. Then an embryo, a fetus, a baby, a really, really annoying child with a guitar, a totally out of control teenager with several guitars and amplifiers, a reformed young adult with more guitars, an engineer with a guitar collection, then finally, I matured into the sexual tyrannosaurus that I am today with a complete studio. Tomorrow, however, I may be senile, not to mention that whole sexual thing depending on drugs. Possibly there will be drugging to avoid depends, too. If you need more information, you're advised to ask me soon, before I forget entirely who I am. Wait, what was the question?
Current Residence: An ex-church.
Print preference: I prefer e-books.
Favourite genre of music: Rock, metal (no screamers)
Favourite photographer: Bob Guccione
Favourite style of art: Pinup
Operating System: OSX, Linux, Windows, 6809 Flex
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch and iPad
Shell of choice: Bash
Wallpaper of choice: plain black backdrop
Skin of choice: Female
Favourite cartoon character: Jessica Rabbit
Personal Quote: I was born under the sign "Obstetrics"