Grotto NPC - Gust CoilFuyusFox on DeviantArt

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Grotto NPC - Gust Coil



Gust Coil
Gender: Male
Feathered Ears (Uncommon)
Personality:  Organized, Hard-Working, Direct, Odd Sense of Humor, Doesn't Always Read the Atmosphere, Caring

Bio:  Gust has been working as Snapdragon's Assistant for the better part of the last 3 years.  While he isn't the most creative in the sense of entirely new ideas he's good at innovating and improving old ideas.

He's extremely organized and hates a mess.  His station is always spotless, even right after brewing.  Really it's a wonder for all and there are rumors that he got so sick of spills he hexed the floor to stay perma-clean.

When speaking with others he likes to get straight to the point.  There's nothing to gain from beating around the bush and in a lot of cases he forgets to even greet the grottoling before dragging them into an interrogation.  

Part of his job is keeping track of the new brews that are being made and making sure everyone is cataloging their attempts so they don't make the mistake next time.  Normally on his rounds he gives advice or suggestions to help out.  

If they mess up though they have to face his wrath.

He doesn't normally do anything beyond a default small smile and getting him to laugh is an amazing feat.  A lot of jokes tend to go over his head at first given his direct personality but after explanation he gets them, though doesn't usually laugh.  

Of course he tries his own jokes from time to time, but they often are a bit too complicated or just completely wrong for the situation.  Thyme has made it one of her goals whenever she visits the research hive to teach Gust the ways of word play.

Besides that Gust has taken it on himself to ensure that the research hive leader Snapdragon doesn't keel over one day from his own self induced stress.  He is constantly badgering him to go home or at least use the cot he installed in his office last month to take a goddamned nap.  

Snap has gotten part of his distrust for any drink he hasn't made himself from Gust as he once resorted to a sleeping draft to make him sleep after a 3 day session of paperwork and coffee.
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