This group is for furries of all kinds~ :3
The artwork we collect here should be:
respectfull to DeviantArt's policy,
(nudity, sexual-themes or violence are fine tho)
done by yourself, means no stolen art,
mostly complete and well-made and . . .
focusing on furries, of course!
Co-Founder Lucien-the-Thanatos
is always ready to answer all your questions.
Please, be sure you submit to aproppriate folder.
(descriptions below)
Aawww, Help Please ...if you totally unsure, feel free to submit here(SFW/NSFW).
Animations ...for any kind of animated art - from pixel avatars up to cartoons(SFW/NSFW).
Avatars ...muzzles, showing furry chars, often used as avatars.
Badges and Stickers ...for all kind of badges and stickers.
Bases, P2U, F2U Lines, Tutorials ...stuff for helping other artists. DO NOT submit YCH'es and adoptables here (use Urgent Adverts)(SFW/NSFW).
Bodybuilding ...special folder for very musculine furries(SFW/NSFW).
Comics 01-03 ...are for comic strips AND pics connected with comics (such as covers and pics for holidays with comic's chars)(SFW/NSFW).
FanArt 01-03 ...arts with well-known furry characters from different films, cartoons and comics.
Fetish ...mature and non-mature. All kinds of fetishes, that answer DA Terms.
GeneralFurry 01-13 ...main folder. Here you can contribute every pic, that doesn't suit to any other folder.
Literature ...all your stories, poetry and so on, connected with furries. DO NOT submit advertising journals here (use Urgent Adverts folder).
Mature-Ecchi 01-06, that usually go with mature filter or contain erotics.
Please, remember that due to Deviant Art policies pornographic images are not allowed on this site, even with maturity tags, even with censoring. Hava a look at these to FAQs.
Photos ...your photos, photos of your pets or wild animals and so on.
Reference Sheets 01-02 for reference sheets(SFW/NSFW).
Stuff, Devices, Tails and so on ...stuff, connected with furries, such as tails, toys, figures and so on. If you want to sell your stuff you should betters use "Urgent adverts" folder.
Unfinished Art, Lines(Clean) ...sketches, line-arts, WIPs and so on, that are going to be painted in future. WARNING! unfinished mature art doesn't suit to this folder.
Unfinished Art, Lines(Mature) ...special folder to unfinished mature art.
Urgent Adverts ...offers and adverstising like lotteries, commissions, adoptables, YCH'es and so on. We will clean out this folder from time to time - this will help to find the most actual offers(SFW/NSFW).
Wallpapers ...any of your art that may look good as a wallpaper.
3D Art ...for any stuff made using 3D modeling programs(SFW/NSFW).
Pls everybody submit your artwork into the galery folders,
not in the comments!
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 Thanks~ :3 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Oi question before me join? Is a anthro tank allowed as a furry or only animals? (The anthro tank is my pfp)
It's fine, has animalistic details after all~ :3
Wait it does?
Your character is based on a weapon and a shark... or not?
Is it okay to advertise a fursuit in the ads folder? It seemed like it was mostly digital art
Everything you intend to sell, goes into the "Urgent Adverts - Folder"~ :3