For a better Future ... [Dark Mirror AU sequel]
"... What an anticlimactic way to perish ... for the mighty, menacing, maniacal Toa Tuyet! And all ... thanks to some stranger from another dimension, obviously destined to shake up our reality like a thunderstorm - not like I was going to cry on what's left of her cadaver or even miss her drowsy-making, lecturing, never-ending monologues about quotas and statistics of annexation ...uhm... 'exploration' progress, but you know what I meant: Too bad, the Nui Stone is now lost with the upper half of her torso ...", Nidhiki stretched his body out, snuggling into the just defunct tyrant's throne: his head on the left armrest, his left leg dangling from the right one, the right leg slovenly kicked over the headrest, while he turned his face towards the parapet of the wide hall: "Metru Nui to Toa Naho ... You hear me, sister?"
Naho was standing on the balcony, unmoving, close to the balustrade, as she watched how the vast battlefield at the foot of the Coliseum started to get cleared of the