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what sort of fj-related art do you want to see?   i'm also thinking i upload user created fj fan-art. all you need to do is send me a note in private and link me to it and i'll put it up and credit you :)---------
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anonymous's avatar
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You should make an off(fffuuuu)icial fj group, so people who like fj can post art there that's funny.
Are you Admin? :o
It is incredibly amusing to watch all these idiots blame the owner of this account for the lawsuit. Like watching a dog get hunted by a pack of mentally retarded lions.
deviantART muro drawing Comment Drawing
I recommend that you drop the lawsuit against The Oatmeal. If this DOES end up in court (which I doubt), do you really think that a court is going to ignore the copyright infringements that your website has enabled for the past year? Your actions haven't been innocent. With regards to your claims that The Oatmeal has defamed you, I'd say that any defamation towards your website has been your own actions with this ridiculous law suit. Are you paying attention to the backlash this has caused? Your reputation has plummeted, and it's your own fault. If you want to regain the respect of the online community, the only thing I could imagine helping would be to drop the lawsuit, make a formal apology and donate to The Oatmeal's fundraiser.
You do realize that this isn't Admin, but an account made by a regular funnyjunker, right? Fagmin doesn't give a shit and will bitch and whine until he gets his way. Or claim to leave FunnyJunk again when he inevitably loses the case and start a new site under a new name even though we all know its him. You're well worded appeal falls on penis blocked ears. Even us funnyjunkers want him gone. His replacement was the only good Admin we ever had before he came back to reclaim the site when it was just starting to get good again. tl;dr cool story bro, try again next time
Why are you content thieves here? You profit mongering content thieving DBags.