Rainbow Dash - Fighting Humans are MagicFundz64 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fundz64/art/Rainbow-Dash-Fighting-Humans-are-Magic-335029630Fundz64

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Fundz64's avatar

Rainbow Dash - Fighting Humans are Magic



if I need me to write down that this isn't the official artwork.. you are in serious need to visit www.mane6.com .. LIKE REALLY BADLY!

I was in urgent need to draw something OTHER than ponies... well I maneged to pull myself to draw ...something... ALMOST non-ponyish... :blush:
Whatever, I had loads of fun doing this.. heck, I might even do other characters (cannon and O.C's wonder what Razorbass would look as a biped?)

I was really amazed on how fast and easy it was this time around.. heck, i even had the luxury to record myself drawing most of this- I did the sketching and drafting on my laptop, everything else as on my PC.

YouTube SpeedDrawing Video [link]

Three guesses how long this took me to do?
I'll give you a hint, If I keep this up, I'll be opening up commisions and prints by next month! :hooray:

:bulletblue::iconjagg17:*jagg17 and her 'Gijinka' version of the mane six!
I immediately felt inspired to draw at least my fave of the six in a 'fighting is magic' pose! super-kudoes to you!:salute:
:bulletblue:I finally gave up and used the original font the crew at manesix.com use... but of course, i always have the last word or originallity! ;) [link] for the font download
:bulletblue:The develloppers at Mane6.com and Hasbro for still pulling me into this fandom!
:bulletblue:...and viewers like you... THANK YOU! :meow:

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© 2012 - 2025 Fundz64
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XYZExtreme13's avatar
Awesome! I cant waitntil Fghting Is Magic is offcially released