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Midna found a new horsie-friend!



Alternative title: The great mountain fairy's got nuttin on Rarity!

After a million attempts on trying to get back to my drawings and a kajillion more times where I was constantly interrupted for work or last-minute-family-chores, IT'S FINALLY DONE! My special non-gakked birthday present for Alorpax:iconalorpax:. . . .     after like a couple of months late tho! :/

I was originally only going to draw the fabulous pair on a square color canvas but then I figured I needed to practice my scenery and perspectives.

The drawing only took 4 hours to do digitally... but you wanna know the funniest thing? THREE HOURS WERE SPENT ON DETAILING THAT DAMNED MIDNA HELMET! holy cheezy swastikas! After I was done re-re-re-sketching her helmet, I basically decided to use shading techniques a-la-pepooni. I think it turned out alright, I will most definitely try that shading style more often! (pen tool: 25% opacity and 50% fill)
"Some things aren't meant to be vectored, that doesn't mean you shouldn't go out and try anyways!" -Fundz64

Also, while you have time to spare, go and wish Alorpax a happy un-birthday! He'll either say "Rarabutts" or some other European verbal substitute of acknowledgement! :)

RaraMidna ANIMATION by Fundz64

ANIMOOTED VERSION RITE HERE- had lotsa fun doing this... maybe a little too much? you be the judge!

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tetrisman64's avatar
Happy Borthday!