I'm getting Toriel of this sh''tFundz64 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fundz64/art/I-m-getting-Toriel-of-this-sh-t-571345034Fundz64

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Fundz64's avatar

I'm getting Toriel of this sh''t



"He better not stab me in the back or so help me, Asgore- i will cut you a new one!!!"

basically an idea after seeing the twitter/tumblr trend of #VapingToriel
Goatmom is best with badassery attitude!
I would have uploaded this earlier but my internet decided to take a syndicated break in the middle of my stream. oh well

Inspired from Twitter: twitter.com/NanamisEgg/status/…
Vaping Toriel has a tumblr, go give her a watch! g0atm0m.tumblr.com/
:new: and go watch her dA page too- :iconshilohsmilodon:ShilohSmilodon  she makes really nice drawings too!

As much as the trending image is hilarious, please keep your respect to those above and of others

Undertale (r)

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mjponso's avatar
Well, to be fair, how often do kids fall down into the Underground for it to be necessary for Toriel to check for them daily? :lol: