things insideFukari on DeviantArt

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things inside



/ changed for a version that sticks to template.. /

hi guys, long time no see! I feel like finally I have some spare time :U strange feeling... I want to organise all that mess that I have at my account... tones of unread notes! (thank youuu! <3 and sorry that it tooks me forever to give you a reply, but I'm really rarely here...)
but first..

my entry for Transformation Challenge.
okay. maybe it's nothing "WOW!" like.. but it's kind of personal for me.
I'm a hidden furfag :U I know that it's nothing new for my watchers here (I post lot of furry stuff) but only some of my friends knows that I'm into anthro. actually I don't have any close friend who's also a furry fan :U have noone who wants to sew a fursuit with me.
sad furry thing.
it's more mental than psychical transformation.


+ what programs/tools were used?
photoshop and wacom tablet.

+ where did you find your inspiration for your entry?
oh...accidentally answered this one above :D plus "inside all of us is a wild thing"

+ how long did it take to complete it?
huh... about 30-40 minutes... (sooo slooow!) as I mentioned - I kinda have some spare time, but not as much as I'd like to have :D
no time for detailed and fully colored pieces.
Image size
1940x499px 600.83 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Fukari
anonymous's avatar
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Valenthyne's avatar
Did you read Hunters of Chaos or something? Cause there's a character in it that turns into a hyena