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faces excercise


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I noticed that the feature that define the character the most is the hairstyle. You know, like in manga style where each female character has the same face but different hair. 

I had this problem for a looong time and I'm still working on in. So today I make a little excercise for myself - first I've drew one hairstyle and then I tried to draw 3 different faces. So even if the hair and color scheme is the same, the character is still unique. It was a bit hard to fit the face in exsisting hair but at the end I was quite satisfied from the results. And then I noticed how ugly that hair is XD so I copied only the faces and gave them new haircuts. it shows perfectly how hairstyle can change a person!

Llama Emoji 27 (Awesome) [V2] 

below you can see a little tutorial I've made about face features that will help you to improve your skill of drawing random faces c: enjoy~!
face tutorial by Fukari

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if you wan't to say 'hey, that's not "variety" because they're all conventionally attractive, young and femine' that's because it was a part of my challenge to draw 3 conventionally attractive, young, femine faces that still are recognizable and different, even if they're very similiar at first look. to show that they're still many ways to draw 'common pretty girl face'. it wasn't be much a challenge to draw one chubby girl, one old lady, one girl with a giant scar across her face and say 'hey, they're different!', don't you think?. of course that I could do more that I did, but it's really difficult to fit a new face into existing drawing of the hairstyle. don't believe me? then try and show me your results! I challenge you!:D
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sytac's avatar

Top-notch work! ❤ ❤ ❤