Old Lamp 1 - Straight onfuguestock on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/fuguestock/art/Old-Lamp-1-Straight-on-424695466fuguestock

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fuguestock's avatar

Old Lamp 1 - Straight on



A Feuer Hand (fire hand) storm lamp made in West Germany (1949-1990).

Re-shoots available, just ask. Download for full size :)

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:bulletred:Comment on my stock image to let me know you have used it.
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:bulletblue:I'd also appreciate a fav on any of the images you use, although this isn't a rule since we all have our own faving policies!

Slightly different angle:
Old Lamp 2 - slightly above by fuguestock
Image size
2799x3696px 1.91 MB
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