fuckyeahlucas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fuckyeahlucas/art/Sunny-WORKING-Rainmeter-Suite-v2-1-613381825fuckyeahlucas

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Sunny | WORKING | Rainmeter Suite v2.1



Skin for Rainmeter 4.0 or greater

Custom Right-Click Menu
Search and change your location
Change time and date format
Change temperature unit

Put your mouse over the top-bar and click the icon to update your weather information immediately

see in action and how to change settings (GIF)

v1.0 initial release (June 5, 2016)
v1.1 fixed some little bugs and the drop shadow to match Google's Material guideline
v1.2 improved custom skin actions (changing to Fahrenheit also changes the unit, ...)
v1.3 some cosmetic changes
v1.4 redesigned update area, new Roboto font, enhanced custom skin actions to change between °C/°F and 24hrs/12hrs
v1.5 improved efficiency
v1.6 changed font to Product Sans
v1.7 changed update area and minor code cleaning
v1.8 changed name to SUNNY (delete obsolete skin folder "Will it be sunny" if you're coming from an earlier version), minor code enhancements
v1.9 minor code enhancements and alignment fixes
v2.0 big changes on how to change location, time format, weather units ...

v2.1 small changes  (November 1, 2016)

Questions? Ask Them! Suggestions? Suggest Them!

the weather data the skin displays is not 100% the same than on weather.com. This is due to parsing deferments of the required XML file, you can see the update time by hovering over the upper bar
the time will only be correct if your current time zone and the time zone of the weather location are the same
© 2016 - 2024 fuckyeahlucas
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And I have a fully worked version here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rJNQbzDq-VbG2H9xK7lVnalP1dEBJ0uq?usp=sharing