eye stock pack 2ftourini on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ftourini/art/eye-stock-pack-2-106174006ftourini

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ftourini's avatar

eye stock pack 2



hello guys! :wave: New eyes stock pack has arrived and ready to be forked :fork: !! :drool:

6 new eyes for you to play! :dance:
More colors more glitter and longer eyelashes in this new pack!! :flirty:

Be pattient, the file is approx 9 MB... :D

:boing: IF YOU DOWNLOAD PLEASE FAV :+fav: IT :boing:

it's in rar format so if you don't have unrar you can download it from here: [link] :D

Here are some info about using this pack of eyes:
You can do whatever you like to them, prints, commercial use etc.
I would appreciate if you credit me and give a link to my page/note me/ leave a message and a link in this page to see the result! ;)

more eyes stock and eye tutorials here: [link] and at my stock account [link]

if you like my eye art please support me by buying my eye calendars: [link] :nod:

have a great weekend ;)
© 2008 - 2024 ftourini
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Astrofairy's avatar
Fabulous eyes! Thank you very much.

I downloaded but I will use more later.

When I used I will give the link to you and the result of my page. ☺