Waterfall CityFrozenStarART on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/frozenstarart/art/Waterfall-City-92453998FrozenStarART

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Waterfall City



Dedicated to my dear friend Patty ~patslash who celebrated her birthday recently. :heart: you sweety and so sorry I'm late :hug:

Title is a reference to Dinotopia. I simply love the book and mini-series :heart:

:bulletpurple: Stock: :bulletpurple:
dreamstime - hills city and waterfalls up front
sxc.hu by falk1984 [link] ; by gorex [link] ; by rainmaster [link]
dragons - freebies at renderosity
Image size
1000x948px 780.76 KB
© 2008 - 2025 FrozenStarART
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Can I use this for my discord server profile picture?pleeaasssseeeeee

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