Sealed Fatesfrostykat13 on DeviantArt

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Sealed Fates


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Sorry for being so inactive lately guys! I've been working on this since last Sunday XD

Anyway, I have a headcanon that eventually, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer will ascend into alicorns, and ultimately those two and Twilight will take over ruling Equestria when Celestia and Luna retire. I'm not sure exactly what Starlight and Sunset would be the princesses of, but Starlight would be in charge of the moon/stars, and Sunset would be in charge of the sun. Twilight would still be the princess of friendship(and the main ruler, like Celestia is now.)
It just makes sense to me, especially since they all basically have the same name and are all really powerful magic users who are learning about friendship. 
So yeah X3

All three characters belong to hasbro

reblog it on Tumblr:…

Title cred to Spiritwolf7777 
Image size
1400x1000px 1.71 MB
© 2015 - 2025 frostykat13
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Robkan007's avatar

I'd be so down for this!