Loyaltyfrostykat13 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/frostykat13/art/Loyalty-582766951frostykat13

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So here's the first in a series of the future mane six that I'll be doing! This is set about one hundred and fifty years after the show as we know it now. It's also in the same universe as this drawing here: Sealed Fates by frostykat13

Basically, I've got an entire headcanon future for the mane six/Equestria written out, and hopefully I'll be able to fill in in slowly with drawings. 

My idea is that the mane six are not immortal, and (besides Twilight) will never ascend to be alicorns. Instead, they'll each just become sort of super-powered versions of their species and have very extended lifespans. They also become known as the Embodiments of Harmony, instead of the Elements. This is because they no longer need to wear the Elements to activate their power (which we've already seen in Twilight's Kingdom.) 

Rainbow here is older, stronger, and a better flier than pretty much all pegasi in Equestria (not that she wasn't already lol). She's taller than normal ponies too (as tall as Twilight is in the show currently) Her personality is mostly the same, but she's mellowed out a little, becoming wiser and not as quick to make decisions. She's still very competitive and headstrong, but has better control over herself. 

The crown on her head is just a crown, not an Element. She's wearing her official regalia, probably for some sort of activity in Canterlot. Usually, she goes without it :)
(also I just kinda wanted an excuse to draw her in it lol)

Anyway, I'm really excited about this idea, and I plan to make a sort of NextGen(ish?) type universe and draw all the mane six and their family/friends as they get older and Twilight, Sunset and Starlight become the rulers of Equestria.

So this was my first time using my new tan paper! It was really fun haha

Rainbow Dash belongs to Hasbro

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1500x1494px 345.08 KB
Date Taken
Jan 6, 2016, 11:45:18 AM
© 2016 - 2025 frostykat13
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