FrosteeFox's avatar


is trying to learn to draw
98 Watchers283 Deviations

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Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (73)
My Bio

Welcome to my corner of the DA community. I am here to enjoy the amazing work that all of you create, and to add some of my own creations to the collection.

I am mostly a photographer, but I am learning to draw right now. I love learning various kinds of art from my wife

You can also find me on...

FB: as Frostee Fox
Livestream + youtube: as myraidvidtime
Furaffinity: FrosteeFox

Hope you enjoy what I have to offer!

Current Residence: My
Favourite genre of music: Hard Rock,Classic Rock
Favourite photographer: GTXcrusader , StormPetral0509
Favourite style of art: Animal , Anthro , Aviation , Landscapes
Operating System: The dreded Visduh
MP3 player of choice: ZuneHD
Skin of choice: Fur
Favourite cartoon character: Foghorn Leghorn? Idk, there are too many cool ones
Personal Quote: He is who you though he was

Favourite Visual Artist
TaniDaReal , Kiyukii , Sugarpoultry , ScorchWolf1 , MeanCheen , Spiritwollf , and more (see friends)
Favourite Movies
nice try, I can't tell ya because I can't decide
Favourite TV Shows
King of the Hill, Various Anime, sports
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Really to hard to list them all here
Favourite Games
WoW, FPS, Racing games, pretty much anything
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Various Canon EOS Digital Cameras, Bamboo tablet, pencils and paper
Other Interests
Art,Photos, Sports, Video Games,Aircraft
This is going to be short and sweet!I am still alive and on DA checking deviations etc. Thanks for all the watches, favs and comments! Sorry I don't respond often, I am just usually swamped with other stuff. I interact more on FA or twitter, so always feel free to hit me up on those sites as well.Just wanted to tell you all thanks again, and keep submitting awesome art!-Frostee
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Hey all :wave:I just wanted to throw a few thoughts up here to express my feelings this holiday season. First off, Merry Christmas! I hope that everyone reading this has a great Christmas today! I hope that you all spend some time reflecting on more than just the gifts given at this time of year, and think about family, friends, or loved ones as well. I know that I am enjoying my first Christmas with my wife by relaxing, seeing family, and enjoying the time off work.This time of year I always reflect on people I have met throughout the year and how much they have touched my life. First off, I have to thank my wife :iconlrdkazul: I didn't a...
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0 min read
Hey all :waves:Hope you are all doing well! I have been even busier than I was last time I updated my journal which is blargh, but oh well. I have still been working which is good, but I am working day shift for the time being and it really drags on me even to the point of logging on xbox or playstation and crashing out in the middle of games and stuff lol. I spend the weekdays in some sort of haze lately from lack of sleep, and my brain turning to goo from working with people on the telephone all day, anyways, enough complaining.Sorry about the lack of podcast updates. I am still trying to get with my co-host to jump start the show while ...
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Profile Comments 676

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Happy birthday to you, and enjoy this video AKA HOW NOT TO PLAY RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2:
Hey there! Thank you for the watch over this way as well. :thanks:
Hollaaaa and Happy Holidays!! Grovyle embarrassed gif mistletoe*
Hello!!! I am SO pleased to meet you!!!!! I also make fursuits and am a Mormon!!!! Please tell Laura i said hi!!!! (i love drawing, computer animated, and fursuits!!!!) 
How did u got your Fur costom? I really want to get one.yes nice I'M SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW  - Koili - 
Depends on which fursuit you are referring to. I have a few, mostly built by my wife and I. 
Happy Birthday :D