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Winners of the Character Design Contest!!
I am super sorry for this delay on coming up with rankings. To be absolutely honest this was one of the hardest contests i have had to judge. *** If you did NOT RECEIVE 1 ST PLACE OR RUNNER UP in the competition the character you created is yours!! You may do as you wish with it! *** 1 st place goes to Fiarefly with her design : I chose her design because it defines the words "Ice Age" It has a unique twist of her artistic marks and will become one of my favorite characters!! This character will be given a name asap! Runner Up goes to Nittrou s with their design: This position was a really close call. I decided to go with Nittrous's de...
Character Design Contest [14 days left]
CHARACTER DESIGN CONTEST I have always had trouble trying to think up new designs, but I have so many different ways I could go with it.
i'm going to make you do it for me. lol. I have seen a number of others hold contests and so I have decided to do my own! PRIZES; FIRST PLACE 1,000 points or $10USD A simple Manipulation of your OC A Journal feature PRIZES; RUNNER UP A simple manipulation of your OC A Journal Feature Character Design I have been really interested in the Ice Age times lately. This includes your Mammoths, Saber-toothed tigers, Strange looking deer, Sloths, and many more. I really have also taken a liking to Deer horns,...
Journal Feature [kms1002]
kms1002 has so generously donated 100 points to me and as a Thank You I would like to feature some of her artwork! kms1002 Everytime I go into her gallery to see all the amazing art this one piece had always caught my eye! The horse in this piece is just so elegant and the hair is just AMAZING!! She can do more than just do full body manipulations but can also do head shots as well!! This one is just absolutely gorgeous the prepping and smoothness of this horse is amazing and again that hair is STUNNING!! Not only can she do equine manipulations and head shots but she can design characters as well!! Overall, her art is AMAZING and defini...
CavaleireGraphics Newest Members!
kms1002 milimigu The previous round they were given a color palette to create an equine related manipulation. Both of them did a wonderful job!! I am going to send a note to each of them critiquing their piece, so it may help you in the future to come. :heart:May we welcome you to the Cavaleire Graphics Team!!Our current members are now: Froavia Fiarefly kms1002 milimigu
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I'm designing a mare right now, and I think I'll design a more masculine horse afterward.