Laksmi-Narayan in VaikunthaFridolinFroehlich on DeviantArt

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FridolinFroehlich's avatar

Laksmi-Narayan in Vaikuntha



"He doesn’t have any work to do. It's not like God has a job, God has to run the universe or something like that. No, no. He delegates all that to the demigods. He outsources the whole universe. [chuckles] Yeah the whole material universe. He is not personally responsible for everything that goes on, He assigns that responsibility to his servants, the demigods. And also the living entities who create different activities, and have karma. So, He's very intelligent. God, He just enjoys, He doesn’t have anything to do. So He's always on vacation, he's always just lounging, or relaxing, and being served by Lakshmi, and that's the Lord." [[link]]
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121nikhilmishra's avatar
this is your art work