TAC Exchange: Kiss of Winterfreyals on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/freyals/art/TAC-Exchange-Kiss-of-Winter-103831898freyals

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TAC Exchange: Kiss of Winter



:w00t!: Time for another TAC hosted Art Exchange. :w00t!:
I love these things!

This time the theme is Kiss of Winter.

This is just a real quick pic of my character Isadora.

If you have never participated before its so much fun, you create a character specific to the given theme, you have a certain amount of time to write a bio, then the bios get swapped around and you cant say whose you have or know who has your own character. You create some art based on the bio you are given then on the turn-in date everyone swaps back.

Sign ups are from November 16 to November 23, 2008.
Click here to sign up -> [link]

Click here for more information -> [link]

Photoshop CS3

This artwork is Copyright © 2008 Freya Langford-Sidebottom and may not be used without permission.
Image size
1500x1200px 378.31 KB
© 2008 - 2025 freyals
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DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
That's a cool idea! :dance: Ugh...no pun intended. u_u X'D