Current Residence: Novo Hamburgo Favourite genre of music: Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Favourite style of art: Dark Operating System: Seven MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch Shell of choice: Que que é shell? Wallpaper of choice: Earth Personal Quote: Adobolish smash!
Favourite Writers
Lovecraft and Douglas Adams
Other Interests
My Love, Music, Dark, Zombies, Apocalipse, Fun, Muscle Cars
... I have 5048 deviations to see, 1620 messages to respond and the last time someone posted in my front page was may 12...
Ah, fuck it all, I'm starting it all over...
* I HAD... hehe
Well not all of you, really, but most...
My clubs:
#EliteArtists ( :icondarkartists-inc: :icondarkclub: :icondeathlovers: :iconinblack-club:
Well, people don't realize how lazy they are till they spend 20 days off T-T
I'm just tired now, someday I fix this journal and start submiting something good...
Miss you people...
My clubs:
#EliteArtists ( :iconDarkArtists-Inc: :icondarkclub: :iconDeathLovers: :iconinblack-club: