Devious Journal Entry

2 min read

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FreakyOrange's avatar
I GOT TAGGED BY: :iconmikiyooo:
You must post these rules

-Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal

-You have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal

-Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them

-No Tag Back

Here are 10 things about me:
1) I love the colour orange and everything that is orange ;D
2) I'm a very good listener, but worse in telling something about me
3) Once it was my dream to become a disney-artist :3
4) I love being in my garden and watching the singing birds
5) Both of my knees are rubbish
6) - But I'm a really fast runner x°D
7)  there is no animal/insect, I didn't like - they are all worthy to live
8) My english is bad... o___O
9) I HATE stairs xD ...
10) I haven't enough time to do the things, I really want to do...

And I tag:
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