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freakyfir's avatar

Feeding the Forest Guardian



Felt like painting on a whim, without the help of lines. Also had the pleasure of watching/listening to the soothing voice of Anthony Jones after purchasing his helpful tutorial on illustration basics. You can get it on Gumroad ( Definitely picked up a few nifty tricks as I painted along with his video.

Made a process GIF, on my blog here. I might have lost one screenshot, so pardon the jump from straight trees to warped ones. Hah!

This will probably be the last piece of work that's coming out of my old Dell Vostro. It has valiantly struggled with me for almost 4 years, but I guess it's really showing its age lately. Thanks for the many keyboard-hammering days, old friend. You've been a great workhorse..

But now, it's time for a much needed upgrade :)
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1280x720px 221.48 KB
© 2014 - 2024 freakyfir
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bryanpj's avatar
Muhammad, I think your work here is incredible. There are many style choices you are making that have great appeal.  There are a number of pieces that I really like, but this Forest Guardian painting is just burned in my brain.  I've been thinking about it for hours, and just had to tell you.