FrauLuminara's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (25)
birthdAy '09: Enjoys birthday shenanigans
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Current Residence: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain... Europe
Favourite genre of music: 80's hard rock, oh baby
Favourite photographer: Joan Fontcuberta (por friki)
Favourite style of art: Everything about digital art
Operating System: Mac OS
MP3 player of choice: old iPod shuffle and iPod Touch


0 min read
and kind of ashamedFuck, guys, i'ts been a really long time, hasn't it? Real live got to me unannounced, you know, work, college, blah blah blah, and then I *really* tried to come back but everything had changed, I felt I was out of the game,  and it became even more difficult to start again every passing month.But all right, I'm going to start updating again :nod:About the Phantom of the Opera comic, I'm sorry people, but it hasn't exactly been advancing and I'm not going to lie to you, I don't think it's ever going to have a single chapter. I'm SO sorry. Although I don't disregard the possibility of taking it up again in the future.=====...
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First chapter coverHi there people!I finally come here with some real material for my Phantom of the Opera comic, Avinyó 12 . No more "yes yes I'm making a comic, I promise" xDDD Actually it's the first chapter cover. :thumb132525147:  First chapter will come soon :)  =================================Some of my best work::thumb120170561::thumb97844633::thumb128211572::thumb129879997::thumb127335794::thumb104343922::thumb56984042:Clubs: :iconspanish-deviants: :icongerard-butler-fans: :iconphantom-of-da-opera: :iconprincenuada-fc: :iconalucardclub:=================================Stamps: :thumb128939601::thumb59817874::thumb73678288::thumb1...
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What do you think about journals?

33 votes

They're cool, I read them all.

Don't really care, I never read them.

One's page doesn't need to have a nice journal to be good and artistic.

I wish I had a premium account to make a cool journal.

I'm a subscriber but I don't know a thing about CSS.

I like to know about the artists private life.

Shut the fuck up bitch! PS: your journal's cool

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Profile Comments 471

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Hai there,

I'm looking for people who can make some concept art for an Phantom of the Opera animation.
Would you like to help me out?


ps. I'm excited about your comic!
Heleeen! Yo soy Martin xd
Por fin he vuelto a "tocar" el PS y he decidido hacerme un deviant nuevo con lo nuevo que haga, aunque sea caca comparado con tus dibujos...¬¬

Bueno pos eso que soy yo! xD
Thank you so much for joining my group! :heart:
Feel free to submit and make yourself at home! :D
Necesito tu ayuda!!! No se pintar el acero... ;_; llevo dias estancado con un dibujo porque no logro hacerle bien el efecto de acero, me salió en otro hace tiempo por potra y no lo logro con este....
tío perdona que te conteste tan tarde, acabo de ver tu mensaje! D: Este mes a penas he entrado en DA, no había mirado los mensajes nuevos, I'm sorry.

¿Conseguiste solucionar lo del acero? El truco de pintar metales yo diría que está en el brillo. No suelo poner metales en mis dibujos, así que tampoco soy una experta, pero así de memoria ahora se me ocurriría sombrearlos con degradados suaves y ponerles brillos blancos muy duros. Si te ves con cuerpo puedes jugar con los reflejos en el metal xD [link] O si no hasta podrías buscar una textura metálica en google, en DA, o en webs como esta [link] y aplicarla ahí a saco :)
Si, es lo primero lo que intento hacer, es chunguísimo o_o pero bueno, ya voy probando xDDD gracias, no pasa nada, se que estarás ocupada, no espero que estés por mi al 100% xDDD gracias por la ayuda! ^^
Ya me dirás si te sale :)
Es que como me pasé tanto tiempo fuera de DA ahora no tengo la costumbre de entrar a mirar los mensajes, siempre se me olvida xD