Zana--an alleged AlmasFranz-Josef73 on DeviantArt

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Zana--an alleged Almas



In about 1850, a group of hunters in the Ochamchir region of Georgia (Eastern Europe) captured a woman who was apparently living in a wild state along the Adzyubzha River. They named her Zana, which is the Georgian word for black, owing to her dark skin. She didn’t speak their language and behaved in a way that suggests she was mentally ill. She was sold or handed over as a slave to a prince, D.M Achba of the Zaadan region who then sold her to the nobleman Edgi Genaba. Genaba took her to the village of Tkhina on the Mokva River near the Black Sea. For a while she lived in a caged, stone enclosure but was later chained in a fenced enclosure near the house, with an awning. She was eventually allowed to walk freely in the village, but after 40 years, never learned to speak the local language and always preferred to go naked. She was very strong and prone to violent outbursts, but enjoyed wine and getting drunk. She became pregnant multiple times by unknown men and three or four of her children died after she bathed them in the freezing waters of the Mokva River. The four surviving childrens’ names are listed as Sabekia, after a local resident, Kamish Sabekia, who was fond of Zana. Zana died in 1890 and was buried in the local cemetary, as were her children in the 1950’s and onward.

BigFoot and Yeti researchers have embraced Zana’s story as evidence of a living Neandertal woman, an almas female, or a yeti-human hybrid. Artist’s renditions of Zana have relied only on descriptions provided by villagers who remembered seeing her in person, or those passed down by tradition. Most are very unflattering and depict an ape-like woman (…. In 1971 the skeleton of an unknown female was excavated along with that of the male Khwit Sabekia (Zana’s son) and the skulls of each were tested for DNA relationships. A mother-son relationship was suggested so it appears that the skull belongs to Zana. I’ve used this skull as the basis of a forensic reconstruction of her face, guided by photos of her children, descriptions of her appearance by villagers, and basic principles of forensic art and illustration (….

IF this really is the skull of Zana and IF my reconstruction attempt is anywhere near accurate, then she appears to have been an African woman who somehow wound up in the Caucuses. Perhaps an escaped slave, or an abandoned child who had developmental problems, she went on to live a rather sad life as a slave/hostage and gained legendary status by those who continue to portray her as a subhuman hominid. You can read more (slightly sensationalized accounts) about Zana here, or just google her:……

UPDATE! It turns out DNA analysis has recently concluded Zana WAS an African native (specificalyl sub-Saharan). See the story here:… I must say it's gratifying to know that my attempt to reconstruct her face was reasonable!

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srjf1's avatar

i think zana was a homo erectus ofshoot and thats why she is 100 percent sub saharan african