Fighting Dinosaurs--Velociraptor and ProtoceratopsFranz-Josef73 on DeviantArt

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Fighting Dinosaurs--Velociraptor and Protoceratops



For a few years now, I've wanted to do a restoration of the famous Mongolian fighting dinosaurs found in 1971 during the Polish-Mongolian expeditions. I've done a few pencil sketches, but nothing I was particulalry fond of. I saw them years ago in the exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History and was struck by just how small they actually are compared to how I always envisioned them. I got to thinking about them again after flipping through a book last week, so over the Labor Day weekend, I finally did a color piece. The animals are rendered in Adobe Illustrator and the background is a photo of my back yard. Thanks for looking!
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2553x3403px 4.59 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Franz-Josef73
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ARTiliciousXD's avatar
Yes! Absolutely love the fossil and your reconstruction!