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My first attempt at a befeathered tyrannosauroid. Here's a young Bistahieversor sealeyi dragging a well-chewed Kritosaurus carcass along a sand bar 75 million years ago in what would become New Mexico's Kirtland Formation. Flies swarm the rapidly decomposing flesh of the hadrosaur and a coastal breeze from an approaching storm sways the palms and ruffles the bristle-like feathers of the theropod. I drew Bistahieversor head-on because I'm sort of bored with side profile views these day and also it allowed me to avoid deciding where exactly feathers gave way to skin or scales a bit longer. Somehow a reddish tint appeared as I got this piece digitized and I think it works pretty well. Thanks for looking!
Image size
1536x2142px 1.09 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Franz-Josef73
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I love this.
Bistahieversor is one of my fav Tyranosaurids.
Bistahieversor is one of my fav Tyranosaurids.