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  • July 14
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
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0 min read C: All credit is given to this :'D
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:iconbelarusrapetimeplz: I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door
:iconamericahardpowerplz: Your body's cold, but girl, we're getting so warm
:iconfrancerapefaceplz: And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside
:iconromanofailplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitabroshumpplz: (Let me go now)
:iconlukasiewiczplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconholyromeexcitedplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconukdanceplz: Now if she does it like this
:icongermanydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconfrancesmackplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconrussiaturbopokeplz: Will you touch her right back?
:iconrussiarasputinplz: Now if she moves like this
:icondanceicelandplz: Will you move like that?
:iconrainbowitalyplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconwthenglandplz: Your lips tremble, but your eyes are in a straight stare
:icongerita4plz: We're on the bed, but your clothes are laying right there
:iconceilingrussiaplz: And I was thinking of places I could hide
:iconfallingukraineplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitalyhugsjapanplz: (Let me go now)
:iconchinanoplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconfrancemuahplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconenglandgetdownplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconamericagetdownplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconswitzerlandsplitplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconaustriasplitplz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancerussiaplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconjapanpastaplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowludwigplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconamericapopipoplz: I saw you dancing
:iconshakefishseyplz: And I couldn't get you off my mind
:iconitalywtfplz: I could tell, you could tell, that I was taking my time!
:iconiggybrowsplz: I was thinking of ways to get you to stay for the night
:iconukraineboobiesplz: Your body's shaking!
:iconohpervyfeliplz: Turn me on, so I can turn off the lights!
:icongilmoemoekyunplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconenglandsexydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconaiyaharuplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconfrancestick2plz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancingswedenplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconamericahappyspazzplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowkikuplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
Hi, I am Prussia. Once you read this you
cannot get out. Finish reading this
until it is done! As I said, I am
Prussia. I am 20 years old. I have silver
hair and awesome all over my face. I am dissolved.
If you don't send this to at least 12
people I will come to your house at
midnight and I'll hide under your bed.
When you're asleep, I'll call France
and Spain and we will throw you a surprise party.
Don't believe me?
Case 1:
Russia Got this e-mail. He doesn't believe
in chain letters. Well, Foolish Russia.
He was sleeping when his TV started
flickering on and off. Now he's partying
instead of sleeping. Ha ha Russia, Ha ha!
You don't want to be like Russia, do
Case 2:
Roman Empire
Hates chain mail, but he didn't want
to Party that night. He sent it to 4
people. Not good enough Rome. Now,
Rome is partying 'till next week, we don't know if
he'll ever stop. Ha ha Rome, Ha
ha! Now, do you want to be like Rome?
Case 3:
She got this letter. Another chain
letter she thought. Only had 7 people
to send to. Well, That night when she was
having a shower and we bursted in music and all.
It was the BIGGEST Party of her life.
Hungary is now partying it up.
Case 4:
This is the final case I'll tell you
about. Well, Germany was a smart person.
He sent it to 12 people. Later that
day, he found a $100.00 bill on the
ground. He was premoted to head
officer at his job and his girlfriend
said yes to his purposal. Now, Italy and
him are living happily ever after.They
have 2 beautiful children.

Send this to at least 12 people or
you'll face the consequences.

0 people- You will party for the rest of your life
1-6 people- you will be party for a week
7-11 people- you will party for a day
12 and over- you are safe and will
have good fortune
Looks like I'm partying for the rest of my life~ :iconrussiaraveplz:
I'm partying for a week! :iconprussiaraveplz: