Golden Crown 1fraimworks on DeviantArt

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fraimworks's avatar

Golden Crown 1



This image is one of the plates to a never published or completed children’s book we were working on based on Norse mythology called THE GOLDEN CROWN. A buddy of ours wrote the story in the style of an epic poem and we were going to do the book as a series of two-page spreads that would be then colored by our friend Matt Webb. This is the first spread.

The Fraim Brothers are freelance artists who are always on the lookout for more work and commission assignments. If you like what you’ve seen here at Deviantart, check out our website for more information, our commission rates and samples, and to see more of what we are capable of accomplishing. [link]
Image size
720x466px 138.05 KB
© 2007 - 2025 fraimworks
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