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As a Christmas greeting from Sweden I will promote a YouTube channel by the nature filmer and photographer, Jonna Jinton. The link goes to her channel. Go and see the 15 minutes introduction video in full screen, the image below from the beginning of the video,


The scenarios are a mix from both midwinter, midsummer, and other seasons. The soundtrack is as beautiful as the scenarios, and Jonna speaks in English with a relaxing voice.

I myself live in the very south of Sweden about more than thousand kilometers south from the area where Jonna and her man and dog lives, the conditions of life being quite different. Here the sun shines for about 7 hours at midwinter.

Just click the introduction video, put it in full view and enjoy :snowflake: :santa::snowflake:

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This journal ought to have been written and published for at least a decade ago

The year 1987 it was an India festival in Sweden. At that time, besides my work (I was a shift worker), I was studying Sanskrit at the university of Gothenburg. My special interest was the way they wrote grammar in ancient India about 500 BC. An evening at the late autumn I was sitting with some friends in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and watched a TV program about Indian dance. At the end of the program, the speaker talked a little of the theory behind the dance. I don't remember what he said in details, but it was something about how the god of dance, Shiva, transformed order into chaos and chaos into order. Then a map was shown of the coast line of Great Britain and the speaker quite naturally went into that "today the mathematicians has found that there is an order behind the irregular". The subject was the new science about chaos and complexity. Both Mandelbrot and fractals were mentioned, but I forgot the names at that occasion. Some very colorful images from the Mandelbrot set was shown. What I remember afterwards was the feeling of being in front of the holiness I felt when I watched that end portion of the program. Thereafter it wasn't until the following summer, 1988 when I stumbled over the subject the next time. It was in a newspaper that happens to be there on my work ..

Regarding grammar in ancient India, see my journals,

The zero(s) of Panini and the mathematical zero(s)


Hypertext links in Old Indian Sanskrit Grammar

..and sorry for sometimes not being that very active in publishing fractals the recent year(s). But I have a HUGE gallery of all kinds of Mandel & Julia types of fractals except Newtons fractals.

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This is journal I ought to have written and published for at least one year ago. But as we say in Sweden, ”better late then never”. So first, what is a flashmob? ”A flash mob (or flashmob) is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs may be organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.” Quotation from Wikipedia.

Back to August, 2021, when there still was some Covid restrictions in Sweden, a group around the Swedish musician and producer Christoffer Lundquist started to perform some flashmobs at some squares in Malmo (the third biggest city in Sweden) and Lund (Sweden's Oxford) at the very south of Sweden. He had just produced a new song that was a protest against the Covid restrictions we had at that time. Now remember that those restrictions were the most liberal in the western world. Yet we were less affected by the pandemic than most other countries having strong lockdowns. The term "lockdown" (if I am not wrong) is taking from prison world. On some places they performed an English version.You can watch the 10 minutes performance below:

We Are Free flashmob / Christoffer Lundquist and friends


.. and below is the original Swedish version:

Vi Är Fria (We Are Free) flashmob/ Christoffer Lundquist and friends

My tears are almost coming when seeing and hearing this performance. For me it's almost like a prayer. Just sit back and enjoy the performance :love:

After having written this song, he had been slandered by some Swedish media and his former fellows in the music industry, saying he is a ”Covid denier” and the song being called a ”conspiracy song”. See for example,

Christoffer in Anti-COVID-19 campaign

At the lower half of that article, Christoffer refutes those arguments. I’ve pasted his answer below. Just see for yourself and make your own opinion(s) :thumbsup:

A personal message from Christoffer Lundquist ---------------------------------------->

”These are difficult times indeed. We risk becoming very polarized over these matters and that’s sad to me. I believe in dialogue and mutual respect for each other and each other’s different opinions. We must keep the discussion alive, that’s when humans are the most strong and beautiful.

When I disagree with others I don’t want to condemn them and call them fools, or even hate them and totally dismiss them. Everyone is entitled to a personal view on everything. I believe every human being is entitled to love and respect no matter what

Of course there is a disease and people have died and suffered in large numbers. I care for them, I suffer with their families and friends. This we must fight as best as we possibly can, that is in imperative for the whole of humanity. I believe there are ways to combat this that don’t remove our freedoms. That’s what we need to discuss.

I believe in science and being as informed as possible before forming my opinion. I believe we are stronger when we strive to find out as much as we can and then openly talk about it, trying to figure it out together. We still may not come to the same conclusions however, and we should accept that as well. That’s part of human life.

However I don’t believe in laws that remove our personal freedoms. They are unnecessary and dangerous, they can also be used for bad things when bad people come to power. I believe in personal freedom and bodily integrity which means I don’t believe in laws that make certain medications more or less compulsory, a requisite for freedom. We never needed them before and I don’t believe we need them now. I don’t believe in a society where you need to ”show your papers” before you are allowed to do certain things.

There are better ways to protect us from diseases, I believe.

I strongly believe in dialogue, in respect, love, freedom, peace, democracy, science.

I happily discuss these things with anyone. They may think very badly of me, I welcome the dialogue anyway. I don’t think badly of them. Dialogue is profoundly important and good.

That means I have not joined any particular fraction of any ”movement”, what I want to promote is Freedom. Anyone who agrees with what’s in my song should use it, it only says what’s in the lyric. Whether we agree on everything else is irrelevant. Reality is not really divided into ”movements” to me. The collective human tapestry of thoughts, views, ideas, opinions is immensely diverse and complex – and should be so.

Freedom is our most precious asset. Freedom is life. Freedom is the air we breathe. Freedom is being in love, going to a concert, choosing your own clothes, choosing how to care for yourself including what medications to take – and everything else. Freedom is freedom of speech, of different opinions. Without ever endangering others, of course.

Freedom for me is believing that humans are decent and intelligent. We can take responsibility not to harm each other without elected or non-elected bodies of power deciding over details in our lives. We never needed this before and I don’t believe we need it now.

Freedom always needs to be defended,it is never to be taken for granted. That would be foolishness. History shows us this beyond any doubt. In crises there is a pattern of authorities removing personal freedoms to protect the people. This has ended up extremely badly countless times.

I believe we are better at working together to protect us against any threat as free people.

My song ”Vi Är Fria” is about Freedom.

It’s the first lyric I ever wrote, I guess I never felt I needed to before. Now I do. It is my belief that our freedom is being seriously threatened. Some may think I should have stayed quiet, but I, as everyone else, has my opinion and I happen to sing.

I deeply respect anyone who disagrees with anything or everything I stated above.

With Love/Christoffer”

<-------------------------------------------------- end of the message from Christoffer.

.. and end of this journal. Take care! :heart:

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Hi everyone,

Yuval Noah Harari is the one of the advisors to the founder and chair man of World Economic Forumm (WEF) Klaus Schwab.You can read about him (Harari) at Wikipedia.There is an interesting channel at BITCHUTE, HighImpactFlixwho has uploaded 2 videos, 9 minutes and 14 minutes where Harari dreams trans humanistic dreams,

Something REALLY BAD is About to Fundamentally Change Humanity - (Pt 1)


Some quotes from the video:

"What should we do with all these useless people"

(Already discussed, due to the fact that about 90 percent of the today's employments will disappear as a consequence of the fourth industrial revolution.)

"People could look back in a hundred years and identify the corona epidemic as a moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin".

(You probably know that you may have the vaccine passport as a chip under your skin. The proposals of vaccine passorts where already there in EU as a ”health passport”. Social credits like in China seems not to be far away.)

"Answers to life is NOT found in the bible, they're given to us by the religious leaders of Silicon Valley, or Bangalore."

(when we have our brain chips from Neauralink, bad thoughts will no longer be there in our brains.)

"When humans are no longer useful to the economy, you need a completely new ideologies, completely new religion" .. the fourth industrial revolution "doesn't change what you are doing, it changes you"

(Said in the video by Klaus Schwab himself.)

"Humans are now hack-able animals"

"Free will, that's over"

"You'll never allow to let a good crisis to go away"

(The corona crises was a wonderful dream for those ”elite” people about which Klaus Schwab has written a book, "COVID 19: THE GREAT RESET".


"Science is not really about truth, it's about power"

(The big pharma may approve their product themselves. Moreover they are allowed to keep their investigations secret due to competition reasons.)

".. but all these stories about Jesus .. son of God is fake news .."

And the second video:

Something REALLY BAD is About to Fundamentally Change Humanity - (Pt 2)


Repetition and development of the content in the first video:

"Remember it's corroborative media's job to control exactly what people think"

(And now we are on the way to have a ministry of truth also.)

"They control what people think through CRISES" "You should never allow a good crises to go to vast"

"Science is not really about truth, it's about power" "

.. when people look back what they remember from the covid crises, this is the moment then everything went digital, .. this was the moment when everything became monitored, that we agreed to be monitored all the time .."

"the crises is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before"

Comments to the above seem to be superfluous! Note the engagement and mimik of Harari as he is speaking. the vision seems at the surface to be a paradise on earth. However if you take a deeper look, it's a technocratic tyrannic world order, an Orwelian 1984-years society on steroids :fear:

What Harari describes is a part of the fourth industrial revolution mentioned first in this journal. According to a agreement with UN, 2019 this ”revolution” shall be the tool to implement Agenda 2030, an agenda which now is implementing on all levels all around the world, a world where ”I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better":paranoid:

Finally a one minut video where Klaus Schwab an a Google co-founder speculate about transhumanism,

You All Will Have Implants" - Klaus Schwab and Google Co-Founder Look Ahead to Transhumanism

Klaus Schwab

Dear reader, make your own opinion regarding the above! :thumbsup:

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Hi Folks :wave:

As you may have noticed I, since a week, started uploading fractals again which hasn't been the case since January 2021. There are many reasons for the hiatus, since almost every aspects of Julia morphing, always ended with days of renderings, was out of possibilities, every type of "Mandel and Julia" types, except Newton fractals, was investigated (at least I felt so), my gallery contained of more than one and a half thousand of fractals (every kind of variations seemed to have come to an end) and some other reasons, I thought it would be a good idea to take a break only being a passive viewer of the deviations on dA. Also because I've being involved in other "affairs".

But for a while ago I started to explore some of my earlier deviations by performing some zooms on interesting part of those. However they were not published immediately cause I couldn't find proper names for the results. But now I've decided to render and publish them, often with the temporary names they had during the edition :blush: Please accept that sometimes the temporary things often become permanent or lasting for a long time. That's how life appear!

As I always done, I'll continue to publish the UF parameter files under "Artist's comments" (That's actually the parameter texts). In order to be able to play around with all the obscure formulas I've sometimes use, you have to download the zip modules from


and drag all the .ufm and .ucl files to the Formula/Public of you UF folder If the link above doesn't open, it's because it's not https:// see my old journal,

Take care, play and have fun :)

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When the Eel Became a Hydra by FractalMonster, journal

Links to my external pages do not work by FractalMonster, journal

Those F*cking War Games by FractalMonster, journal

Mathematical Playtime Series Revised by FractalMonster, journal

My Silver Curving Series by FractalMonster, journal