Things About Me and Second Part of New Feature!!

26 min read

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FractalBee's avatar
Hello my dear friends!

Let's start this journal with some news about myself! :lol:
I've won a contest hosted by :iconcmwvisualarts: about:   800 Points Challenge EndWinners

:iconfractalbee: :devfractalbee:

800 deviantART Points from :devslavetotrends:

Drawing Request from :devanangelnamed-xavi:

Journal Feature from :devdrydwen:

Journal Feature from :devsatyakisarkar:

:iconmagicas1: :devmagicas1:

200 deviantART Points from :devslavetotrends:

Drawing Request from :devanangelnamed-xavi:

Journal Feature from :devdrydwen:

Journal Feature from :devsatyakisarkar:

:iconshadowaether: :devshadowaether:

200 deviantART Points from :devslavetotrends:

Drawing Request from :devanangelnamed-xavi:

Journal Feature from :devdrydwen:

Journal Feature from :devsatyakisarkar:

:iconm10tje: :devm10tje:

Journal F

This was my entry: The Art of learning Spells by FractalBee
I'm really happy with that, because the picture is mostly built around mandala structures. I try to explore new ways to use mandala's in fantasy art.

I started commissions here on dA for those who want a name-mandala (for your friend, wife, husband, grandpa, nephew, etc.), a theme-mandala (like love, or health or eastern etc.) or something else, like a mandala with zodiac sign or other embellishments.
It's also suitable as a baby born gift with the name of the newborn baby inside!

Finally , I managed to finish all the belated comments on the :+fav:'s!  :iconbummy1:

And: I made my first sell here on dA: :w00t:
This is it:   Birthday Present for Jenny by FractalBee

Last but not least, I have changed the skin of my gallery folders. I absolutely  :love: dark-grey or black backgrounds for my art. I also use something like that in my portfolio.

So, then there is the to-do list:
- change my profile because spring and easter are coming up
- there have been some name-changes, I will make mandala's for them as a belated gift
- make a poll

I will include many friends and new watchers and some other :+fav:'s.
I will update this journal with MORE features, because I have so many and when  I notify you ALL in persona, the system will think that I'm spamming.
Here comes the first part, so please sit back and enjoy!!

Of course, I will start with our friend, who passed away. He will be not forgotten.

:iconkram666: fragments by kram666 Ronny 285 by kram666
:iconbibiarts: Mythical Creatures by BiBiARTs End of the World by BiBiARTs
:iconundead-academy: Sphere cutted by Undead-Academy Boney Prison by Undead-Academy
:iconfrannienana: Gorgeous by frannienana Rose Swirl by frannienana
:iconmadgardens: Magic Lamp by MadGardens Fogs' Kiss III by MadGardens
:iconheyday93: Megapole by heyday93 Ambiance by heyday93
:icondanaanderson: Release by DanaAnderson Hypnotising Gaze by DanaAnderson
:iconsurrealistic-gloom: Goodbye 2012! by surrealistic-gloom Last Day Of Summer by surrealistic-gloom
:iconkjerya-copenhapen:  :thumb352199963: :thumb355390775:
:iconjocelyner: I got them! by JocelyneR Squills surprisingly found in the forest. by JocelyneR
:iconrumor-the-mirage: SurrenderAll in the brief hours of a single cold night
The angel boy goes down without putting up a fight
Throughout the whole time
Mulyan makes not a single chime
Gabriel drowned by his past
Was barely even trying to last
Before made an angel he was a kooksville boy
He would go all around pretending he had joy
He, the mistaken killer
His brother dead in the freezer
Then a wild boy came and made him the angel
With a boyhood pact that turned out to be evil
The boy from the forest who called himself Finnigan
Would never take life with a mulligan
Then came along a newly made partner
Gabriel's dog named Surrender
The old frenzied pyro woul
Fifty LikesHave you ever thought that we like use the word too much
We should like tone it down just a bit
We use it like fifty thousand times a day
And like maybe even more
It's like so annoying
That we say "like" so often
It's like we don't know what else to say
Like when will people stop using it the wrong way
We need to like stop replacing words with it
If I haven't like made my point yet
Then like keep reading
'Cause this is like insane
Just how much longer are we going to like keep this up
So many people are like driven crazy by it
So like do the world a favor
And like stop using it so much
It's like a worldwide necessity
To use i

:iconhillbillygirl: Feb. 20, 2013 One by Hillbillygirl Electrical Overload by Hillbillygirl
:iconfraterchaos: radioactive molecule by fraterchaos pent-agony by fraterchaos
:iconnatpal: Linus by NatPal The High Priestess by NatPal
:iconabstractmatter: :thumb354644493: :thumb355472196:
:iconangelique3838: :thumb355673150: :thumb353155739:
:iconjim373: Sweet Euphoria by jim373 These City Streets by jim373
:iconhenri-francois: A shark and a tuna yaoi by Henri-Francois Kusatsu in Japan 5 by Henri-Francois
:iconjoe-maccer: Sharp Dressed Man by Joe-Maccer Golden Years by Joe-Maccer
:iconmladavid:   And light a candle and reflection ... by Mladavid   Fish that grants wishes. by Mladavid
:iconsecret-ninja-super-m: Valentine by SECRET-NINJA-SUPER-M Spirit day 2012 by SECRET-NINJA-SUPER-M
:iconoboudiart: WALL ART 1817 by oboudiart SQUARE art 1813 - majestic by oboudiart
:iconfaeriebert: Saturated Spring by FaerieBert True Love by FaerieBert
:iconlirulin-yirth: Abundance of brightness by Lirulin-yirth Not defeated yet by Lirulin-yirth
:iconsyddygurl: Shine On You Crazy Diamond! by SyddyGurl SYD'S MANY FACES by SyddyGurl
:iconregenbogenhase: :thumb350712260: Ramoth new shiny sugimori style by Regenbogenhase
:iconthelma1: Psychedelic Complexity by Thelma1 Shells by Thelma1
:iconisider: Lanterns.. by isider depth by isider
:iconcatelee2u: Cosmic Life - Mystery Of The Feminine by catelee2u Rebuilding Of The Emerald City by catelee2u
As I promised: part two:  :iconhugsareniceplz:

:iconlillyzorafox: Halloween by LillyZoraFox Clouds by LillyZoraFox
:iconlillypop420: I dreamed I was a Butterfly! by Lillypop420 Look! Up in the sky! by Lillypop420
:iconiytj: another dream....... by iytj view ii... by iytj
:iconglo-he: desert Fox by GLO-HE The eye-catching by GLO-HE
:icongraphiclia: Apo Challenge 143 by GraphicLia :thumb341276656:
:iconflorhalie: :thumb356221388: :thumb348826567:
:iconrozrr: Flow with the go by Rozrr Fractal Mosaic by Rozrr
:iconveeegeee: :thumb309612118: :thumb298823974:
:iconlyutik966: Arbat_sunset by Lyutik966 buildings Yauzar by Lyutik966
:iconmisterycai: Sunset 1 by misterycai Sunset 2 by misterycai
:icongerda1946: :thumb355426832: :thumb355383787:
:iconquaddles-roost: Dragon Glasses by Quaddles-Roost Dragon Glasses by Quaddles-Roost
:iconkerrianncrau: Fox Spirit by KerriAnnCrau Reunited Ritual by KerriAnnCrau
:iconpinturaluil: :thumb345797466: :thumb334053862:
:iconblazemorioz: Tower by Blazemorioz Fire Flower by Blazemorioz
:iconmistersingh: APPO 54 by mistersingh APPO 61 by mistersingh
:iconteaphotography: Windows to the Soul by TeaPhotography Angelic by TeaPhotography
:iconmustafasezer: :thumb142041980: :thumb354451401:
:icondidi1959: Untitled E2 - 2012 by didi1959 Visitors by didi1959
:iconjccrfractals: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo by jccrfractals The Secret Life Of Plants: To Stevie Wonder by jccrfractals

2BContinued! :icongreenheartplz:

The beautiful skin I still use is from :icondrake1:

© 2013 - 2024 FractalBee
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didi1959's avatar
Thank you so much! I haven't been on DA for sometime and this was a great suprise.