Travel-stockFractalAngel-Stock on DeviantArt

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Melodic stanzas
are symphonizing their way
through your weary head

To feed your distrust
And fill it's mouth with the desire
to soulfully be one with your creation

Not a subject to control
you call upon a higer power
for help and inspiration

The crowd waits
and turns their faces
towards you expectantly
you give them what they need
But their useless criticism
makes you die
a bit more inside

Not a subject to control
you call upon a higer power
for help and inspiration

Oh, I swoon
while loudspeakers play soft music

over your fourtieth masterpiece
You must have loved
the colour of these violins

I wish I knew you
Your fit of insanity makes me sad

I wish you knew
your music was to stay forever
And I hope....

I have no clue
if you know how much it matters
And I hope....

The Gathering:blackrose:

Made with Apophysis

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© 2007 - 2024 FractalAngel-Stock
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wintersmagic's avatar
Hi I used your beautiful stock here:Tarot-Eight of Wands thank you so much for sharing