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Your One Stop For Resources!
Years Ago

Fractorium Released by mfeemster, journal

Fractorium Released by mfeemster, journal

What Is Fractal Art? by tiffrmc720, journal

Pythagoras tree in Stucture Synth by tatasz, journal

L-Systems by tatasz, journal

Post_depth Tutorial by tatasz, journal

Common Render and Postprocessing Mistakes by tatasz, journal

Prettify Your Bloom: Tips and Tricks by C-91, journal

Fractal Software to Create Beautiful Fractals. by Lady-Compassion, journal

A lack of fractal DD's - A possible solution? by rockgem, journal

Fractorium Released by mfeemster, journal

Fractorium Released by mfeemster, journal

What Is Fractal Art? by tiffrmc720, journal

Pythagoras tree in Stucture Synth by tatasz, journal

L-Systems by tatasz, journal

Post_depth Tutorial by tatasz, journal

Common Render and Postprocessing Mistakes by tatasz, journal

Prettify Your Bloom: Tips and Tricks by C-91, journal

Fractal Software to Create Beautiful Fractals. by Lady-Compassion, journal

A lack of fractal DD's - A possible solution? by rockgem, journal

Comments 990

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Please stop declining my submissions. They are all Chaotica renders. Thank you.

We do not accept renders only resources. The name of the group is Fractal Resources.

If you open a Jux galley resources, I will put some parameterfiles etc. in it.

Jux gallery created

Great. I will start tomorrow if I can.

I'm sorry. but the option Jux does not pop up in the menu?