few things... (face fixed!)

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FoxyRepublic's avatar
edit: okay thanks to DetectiveMel's advice to add a single pixel of greyish white in the corner of her right eye, and to some more tweaking of lashes, liner, and lips, i think i've finally got the face together.  YAY thanks! it's an xmas doll btw. :P

i'm dolling!! right now :o  i'm having serious issues with the face and since i don't really go to any dolling forums (should probably rectify that someday) i figured this was the best way.

someone tell me what's wrong with this face DX.  i've rearranged it like five thousand times and each time i take a break and come back i want to fiddle with it more rather than get on with rest of it.  'kay here it is...


i can't figure it out but something's bugging me.  oh sorry it's so small but i don't wanna give any away XD.

also i started an account at pixistar here.  though there's some glitch that now refuses to let me upload anymore bases.  of course this happens right when i'm about to start uploading my new way better bases :/

in other news we had an xmas party here last saturday.  that's now the fourth party we've had since we moved in in september XD.  this is such an animal house.  i wore a mini string of portable xmas lights!! it was awesome fun haha.  however december is just as good at keeping me going out too much and broke as november was.  what's with EVERONE i know being born at the end of the year :/

how's everyone's holiday so far?? none of my family live in toronto anymore so i'm going to my room mate christian's family's house for xmas.  should be pretty fun we're going to pretty much party the whole time XD.  oh please help with the face i'm desperate :o


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sounds-like-rain's avatar
Can't wait to see it finished! Hopefully I'll get around to actually finishing a doll soon :lol: