Coco the 2ndFoxyRepublic on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

September 26, 2010
Coco the 2nd by ~FoxyRepublicThis is the first feature of Base Week, and a set was the most appropriate way for me to start. This base set has almost everything: various poses, heights, expressions and skin tones.
Featured by Lyricanna
Suggested by slightly-caustic
FoxyRepublic's avatar

Coco the 2nd



so i've been trying to bust out a couple more dolls on this but i failed XD! just wanted to test the new poses before re-releasing but oh well. the peackock fae lady two devs ago was enough i guess.

anyway this is a major (for me!) revamp of my old Coco base. Coco is Bebe's little sister 'cause she's tiny but still sassy and such XD. i started revamping Bebe too so maybe they'll be next. also alternate skin tones for once! :D

:bomb: WIP just for shits
:bomb: Coco the 1st
:bomb: edit are fine
:bomb: credit *FoxyRepublic or republic.agentinc.n e t
:bomb: show me? i like to see and fave stuff on my bases XD! so toss me a link to your work, dudes 8D

please let me know what you guys think as these new skin tones are experimental (even the dark is outside my normal niche). actually the skin palettes on the whole thing are experimental so yeah. c/c appreciated. made freehand in photoshop.

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747x616px 72.95 KB
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