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Coco: Base Set



i love this base. i've actually dolled on it more than once too! XD. it's been a while since i made a base and dolled on it before moving on to the next set heh. it's probably been since Bebe *lol* anyway it was meant to be a nice medium sized thing with alot of poses that i could use as a main sort of base for characters and such. sort of like the dhf moe base deal i guess. so this is still possibly a work in progress heh. i need pose inspiration :P poses were made from scratch in photoshop no refs.

newer cocos!
:bulletblue: Coco the 2nd
:bulletblue: Coco the 3rd

:bulletgreen: edit as much as you want i dun give a shit
:bulletgreen: just give me credit for the love of all pixels. a link back to ~FoxyRepublic will be fine
:bulletgreen: show me? no one ever does this but i thought i'd reiterate anyway. note me if you use! i'd :heart: to see :P

coco is bebe's little sister!
Image size
313x213px 7.5 KB
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