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Song Of The Trees



The breeze is cool and refreshing, the rays of the sun warming my body. In this forest, the trees are hollow, yet so very full of life. The branches dance around each other, and leave room for energies to settle, and for the wind to enter. I feel at peace here. The way the breeze passes through the arcs and tunnels in the trees creates an airy, ever changing song. The songs of birds and the chimes of small bells tune into the melody of the breeze. Each note is pure, and somehow seems to fit into the whole. The leaves rustle, as do my feathers, moving in the zephyr. I close my eyes and feel and hear all around me. Above all, one strong feeling arises: everything is alive.

One day when I was feeling particularly well I closed my eyes and saw Dyna sitting in soft rays of light in a bright forest, relaxed and enjoying the presence of everything. That's how this drawing came to be. c:
Drawing this was a great experience. 
I also wanted to share 'Riding the Wind' and 'Climbing the Ginso Tree' of Ori and the Blind Forest:… and…
Not the same song I'd imagine hearing in the forest, but I feel they do fit very well. c:

Made with new soft coloured pencils that are great for colouring (not so much for details, but I have other coloured pencils for that).
Image size
4897x6934px 70.65 MB
© 2018 - 2024 Foxofwonders
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amazing wings! love it! :D