few commission slots inb4 I'm gone for maintenance

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FoxInShadow's avatar
Okay, so I might have some Internet connection issues at the beginning of February, because we're changing our apartment and I need to sign a new deal with teh Interwebz provider :iconcheezburgerplz: and I don't know exactly how long this is gonna take, soooo this might result in a few days without the Internet. I need to accept new orders so that I don't waste time while I'm waiting.

These will be granted based on the order of incoming requests, so once I get enough of them, the commissions will get closed down once again. 

Nothing changes regarding the rules etc, please note me as per usual  Important changes in commission policy PLEASE READThis annoys me as much as you, but this is forced on me rather than chosen, so let's overcome these obstacles together, shall we? The changes are as follows::bulletred:The prices are going to be increased slightly in order to fit better to my local tax law. I really don't want to get you into details of that. Check out the current price list: :bulletred:First time you place an order you will have to sign "Contract to perform a specific work" with me. This includes sharing personal data with me, shipping information to be exact (but you'll get mine in exchange) and also you'll have to send me a scan of a signed page. Photo will do as well....

:iconkairaanix: has one slot still available as well:  Two commission slots are open! Urgent situation!Alright. I know it's been a long time since I uploaded anything and been active, but I was working in a shop for past 3 months. I didn't disappear, I just didn't have any time to upload anything.Now, that I'm back, I'll be more active. I promise.Things were really intense recently. We need money for a landlord fee, because we have to change our current place by the end of January. That sucks, I know, but new year, new start. It's gonna be hard, but we're gonna do it. Adult life sucks. So basically I'm opening them because we need money. If I didn't need them, I wouldn't ask for your help. You know me.If you're interested in ordering somet...

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