Bees arrived - Bee video/blog update!

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Foxfeather248's avatar

Thanks to all of our generous and awesome donors from our Kickstarter campaign, we now have bees! We have successfully set up our first apiary and have been photo documenting the process of getting, installing, and checking on our new bees. :)

You can follow our bee adventures on Blogger, Tumblr or livejournal :

It's been absolutely amazing so far - despite the fact our bee suits didn't arrive on time and we did our first colony installations and checks without any protection - it was a bit intense, since I've never had my face in a swarm of bees before, but they were surprisingly gentle and uninterested in me - way too much change and things going on for them to care, I think.

Thank you again to everyone who has made this happen for us! We will also be housing native bumblebees as well as blue orchard bees/mason bees and other species and will be updating with lots of info about those soon! I don't plan to keep posting journals here since I know not everyone on DA is as interested - but if you are just follow one of our blogs above - there's lots to come!

© 2012 - 2025 Foxfeather248
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keight's avatar
Thanks for the update here. The video was interesting and it was a pleasure to "see" you both.