foryouistellify on DeviantArt

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foryouistellify's avatar




Lately, I've been playing quite a few 'pixel style' games, such as Sword & Sworcery EP, Cat Poke, Terraria, etc. So I decided to experiment and try out the pixel stuff myself.

In relation, Valve is my favourite video game corporation of all time. Just everything they do they do it RIGHT. Portal 2 will forever remain my favourite game ever, and their games have inspired my dream to be a concept artist and work on video games. I just hope my dream comes true!

All games and characters belong to Valve
Art is mine.

(Also, forgive me about the stupid heights of the TF2 characters. The reference I used was not helpful AT ALL. Sorry.)
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1000x930px 19.61 KB
© 2012 - 2024 foryouistellify
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Zowwito's avatar
just amazing!!! i wonder if can use as a base two of them?