Top $$$ Looking for a team, company, or a solo superstar.

Deviant Art Community,

Who we are: We are a worldwide ecommerce shopping website.
What we need: We need advertising banners developed weekly in 22 different sizes.
What we have: We have the brands, information, products, for the banners. You and or your team must be extremely creative to do this.
What we pay?: For the term of this relationship, we will offer 5% on ROI from use of these banners, paid weekly in any way, shape, or form.
How we advertise: We are in partnership with an advertising network that will advertise our ads on 27,000 websites with millions of daily views.

We need the right designer to step in and make themselves money. This is a lot of work. How creative and how hard you will work will directly reflect what you will see in your bank account or your paypal account or your bitcoin wallet or western union cash transfer in the next 14 days.

You design, we sell, we ship, we advertise, you get paid for designing the ads that sold the product.

If you are talented and you can do this I will pay you a lot of money to do this well. 
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Doesn't seem like this community has any worthy candidates. 
AerapixDesign's avatar
Royal Intimacy Logo by AerapixDesign   Sinister logo by AerapixDesign   Digital World Heroes Logo by AerapixDesign   Chieftain Chill Logo by AerapixDesign   Buzzard Logo by AerapixDesign   Stinger Logo by AerapixDesign   Brand / Corporate Presentation by AerapixDesign   Box Logo by AerapixDesign

Interested in this position. However, "Who are we?" to "I" set my scam alarm on. I tell you what though - if you cannot prove this position is legit with further negotiations and information, I will still be interested in price-per-social-media-ad designs.

Good luck.
and this is why we don't work with idiots like you. 
We've replied to all the private messages, notes, and private chats. We are still looking and I haven't found a single qualified person or persons to do this. 
faeorain's avatar
There is nothing in your original post that asks us to contact you through notes, so I don't understand why are aren't responding to questions here. I didn't want to jump to conclusions earlier about your motives, but after seeing how you interact with people here and how you blatantly ignore legit inquires, I would say that it is you who is not really qualified to be hiring anyone for any position.
Rusembell's avatar
A little more information will be appreciated, but clear information that will clear the doubt of who or what would work. This sounds so vague that it turns on the scam alarm.
faeorain's avatar
What is the name of your company, and what products do you sell? Since you are not offering payment for actual work done up front and you seem to be offering an investment opportunity ( not even sure if that is allowed here )....please give us an idea of your projected earnings. You are right this is a lot of work and will take a lot of time out of someone's life, so just saying they will get 5% based on your sales doesn't really give someone an idea if this is worth the trouble. And since the artist earnings will be dependent upon the sales number of your products, stating that how hard they work will determine how much they make is not entirely accurate. The best ad campaign in the world isn't going to help much if your product is junk. So...please give us some more info to help us decide if it's worth the commitment.

whuh's avatar
i sincerely hope that no one is scammed by someone who isn't smart enough to either hide dissenting comments or make a new thread when people are publicly calling you out...
it doesn't matter if they're not dA staff, you realize that right? i never see an actual person behind these, just bots. i wish people like you would just disappear off of the face of the planet - and nothing of value would be lost.
Sheharzad-Arshad is not part of this discussion nor is part of Deviant Art Administration. We are still looking for the the right Super Star, Team, Artist, Designer. 
interstellar-dust's avatar
Clearly they are part of the discussion, I see their comment right down there. 
Even if this is a legitimate job offer, you've shot yourselves in the foot with your conduct in the comments and seemingly in private messages too.
and this is how Interstellar-Dust gets noticed.
Zadimus-Maximus thinks that he did a banner advertising for Disney and I should pay him to take down his post. We will not work with him and we are still looking. 
Sheharzad-Arshad's avatar
Hmm ... I checked her page and it appears that she never said any of that stuff or claimed to work on any sort of banner advertisement but you actually did. It's not very professional to behave like this.

"privatemnd56 mins ago
Right. You're the dumb idiot who thinks he knows what he is doing? I don't work with ass holes that think they did a banner for Disney and now they think they are above everyone else. "
Feng-art's avatar
All deviants please beware. I was blasted with abusive insults just because I asked simple questions to confirm if this is a scam.
"There are no actual details about your company. No company name. No details of what the products are and no web presence."
I am still looking. I did reply to everyones privates messages and notes. 
Guys and Girls are very talented on here. I am looking for a person or a group of people that work really well together. If you're a solo artist you need to be in this full time; consider this as the main source of income for a very long time. 

Think advertising banners. You can draw, you can design, you can use any software, but you need to come up with this amazing creative approach around our brand, our products, and our branded products. 
pm or message here. I'm still looking, will update this post if I find the person.