The ideal relationship between Men and Women, or Gay couples is.....
I have been watching lots of videos regarding relationships and their decline....
Marriage is a no no.... 60% of straight marriages end in divorce, the number is bigger for lesbian marriages.... More important after 2 years most marriages become sexless marriages, and people cheat to get sex....
Living together with your significant other... is also a no no.... while you won't divorce you will still have all the issues marriages have....
Living apart together (LAT relationships) are more successful than marriage or living with your significant other... but this kind of relationships also fall apart
and the winner of all relationships is....
***Drums sounds***
Friends with Benefits
yes.... Friends with benefits is the best kind of relationship... Why?.... because there is more trust with a friend and less expectations... yes many relationships fall apart due to the unrealistic expectations of the people involved... but with a friend you have no expectation... it is just a friend living his/her own life... and when you have the itch... well a good friend can help you with it
What do you think? is this accurate?
Marriage is a no no.... 60% of straight marriages end in divorce, the number is bigger for lesbian marriages.... More important after 2 years most marriages become sexless marriages, and people cheat to get sex....
Living together with your significant other... is also a no no.... while you won't divorce you will still have all the issues marriages have....
Living apart together (LAT relationships) are more successful than marriage or living with your significant other... but this kind of relationships also fall apart
and the winner of all relationships is....

***Drums sounds***
Friends with Benefits

What do you think? is this accurate?

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any relationship takes work, once that starts to change, lose interest, etc it's going to fail. with common law marriages, some cases they are just tossed out and left to fend for themselves because some areas don't consider them a marriage resulting in the lost party, pretty much lost and sucks to be them. I'm not into hookups, so I'm passing with friends with benefits, that just isn't right, in a way all marriages, common law... are friends with benefits because most are friends at first. not going into the sick part of society for that one...
bonus: I've seen some divorce court stuff and I have to say same gender couples getting a divorce is an absolute riot! I thought straight couples were entertainment but some same gender couples, yikes!
Yes, that divorce court stuff is what is keeping men away from marriage and common law unions 

I've had them before and they're horribly awkward 

But how if you are good friends? 

I like the FWB idea, it sounds a lot better than having a partner!

I'm not interested in any of those options at all.
Well make your own and let us know how it works 

I will just stay forever alone.
Well you can always get a pet, a robot or a doll to keep you company 

A robot sounds nice! One that can clean and do my shopping preferably.
Scientists all over the world are working hard to develop one 

They need to hurry up, I am not the most patient of people!
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Well first thing to that: most important thing is love. Just in case thats not obvious to anyone. Love can make people stay together. Nothing else can. I mean yeah people have all kinds of other motives why they stay with a person, attraction obviously and charme and money etc, but without any love it cant work out.
For example that stupid christian woman who stayed with Stephen Hawking for a while, she said in an interview she wanted to give her life a meaning. Thats a seriously bad motive for a relationship.
Or women who seriously start relationships out of pity. Not a valid reason.
Or when I hear people who want to make their relationship permanent through marriage. Yeah, nope, thats not how that works.
And where the frak do you even find such stupid videos ?
Even more importantly, how do you end up BELIEVING such obvious b.s. ?!?!?
Seriously, sexless after TWO YEARS ??!? ROTFL !!! Yeah, right.
About the 50% (or you claim 60%) number: Dont forget that this includes people who keep marrying and divorcing.
Thus no, if you marry first time, your chances are waaayyyy better than 50% that it works out.
Also, well, the core issue with MOST divorces is that people want to run away from lives lessons. Meaning these divorces dont actually do any good. So dont do that, dont run away if sh** gets serious, and find a partner who doesnt either.
Which leads right back into my intro.
About friends with benefits: only an option for short time and only an option for young and decently pretty people.
Wouldnt be interested in that.
So what are you interested in? Marriage? 

Well that makes sense, still the risk of STDs will be high 

Friends with benefits, eh?
Being objective about this, it still isn't much more of a solid way to have a 'relationship' than actual dating. Why? Because one side will almost always developed more feelings than the other, and be either silently... Or not so silently, unhappy about it. I think thats possibly very common with this sort of setup. And the other-side being either oblivious to it (density isn't good), or simply not caring (being selfish isn't good either).
To top it off, you may also get the more rare cases (I wouldn't know, but I imagine its happened out there somewhere before) that both sides at the start agree to this setup, but both end up getting more feelings. Yet both of them keep said feelings bottled up, thinking that the other is not interested in more than what was agreed on (ie. the oh so common, fear of rejection).
Lastly, and probably most importantly... People who have multiple partners will be at a much higher, almost certain risk for contracting and spreading STD's. No one wants that. Even if you're practicing 'safe sex', there are still risks and exposures (kissing is swapping juices, not to mention you do come in contact with 'sex juices' even if you use condoms). And lets be real, most people are not going to take time out to get all their sex friends tested for STD's using the same care which is often done with people in committed relationships.
So... Friends with benefits is not a healthy alternative, both potentially emotionally... And physically.
Being objective about this, it still isn't much more of a solid way to have a 'relationship' than actual dating. Why? Because one side will almost always developed more feelings than the other, and be either silently... Or not so silently, unhappy about it. I think thats possibly very common with this sort of setup. And the other-side being either oblivious to it (density isn't good), or simply not caring (being selfish isn't good either).
To top it off, you may also get the more rare cases (I wouldn't know, but I imagine its happened out there somewhere before) that both sides at the start agree to this setup, but both end up getting more feelings. Yet both of them keep said feelings bottled up, thinking that the other is not interested in more than what was agreed on (ie. the oh so common, fear of rejection).
Lastly, and probably most importantly... People who have multiple partners will be at a much higher, almost certain risk for contracting and spreading STD's. No one wants that. Even if you're practicing 'safe sex', there are still risks and exposures (kissing is swapping juices, not to mention you do come in contact with 'sex juices' even if you use condoms). And lets be real, most people are not going to take time out to get all their sex friends tested for STD's using the same care which is often done with people in committed relationships.
So... Friends with benefits is not a healthy alternative, both potentially emotionally... And physically.
Good points, so there is no hope? 

Sadly, probably not. The few who will succeed, will, thats all there is to it.
Best thing a person can do is try to tame whatever is potentially annoying about themselves to their partner(s), yet also make sure not to get run over by their partner(s) in the process - also, safe sex. lol
Best thing a person can do is try to tame whatever is potentially annoying about themselves to their partner(s), yet also make sure not to get run over by their partner(s) in the process - also, safe sex. lol
Maybe a sugar daddy sugar baby deal is the best 


I think the problem relies on that people don't really love eachother, you know you love someone when you can spend time with that person, without doing nothing really, and still enjoy their companionship, you do have to love spending time with that person with sex as a bonus to the relantionship, a lot of relationships are based purely on sex or just having a "death buddy" (someone at your side that will get old and die with you), so if there is true love, getting married with that person will be a great decision.
The problem is Women don't love the same way men do... 70% of divorces are started by women.... Women get tired of their husbands over time, and they divorce to get sex and attention from other men.... As a man you have an ideal understanding of love, women have a practical understanding of love.... Two different monsters