Wanna build a story based video game ?

SenariumRagnar's avatar
Eyhà fellow deviants.

Just to make this quick, I've been working on a video game project since almost 7 years which always seemed to be to ambitious to be achieved one day.

My goal is to bring into life this kind of game whose story really struck you afterwards. Everyone has questions and doubt, just look at the "Help with Life"category of DA.
Isn't one of art goal to suggest answers to these life hesitations ?

This project is closer than never to be finished but we're currently having 
difficulties on the graphic side.
 I'm currently looking for someone able to produce artwork of this style :
Senarium Sample Faceset by SenariumRagnar

If you want more informations about this game or are interested don't hesitate to PM me or answer below.

Have a good day ! 
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somnolent-a's avatar
This sounds so cool! Unfortunately though, I wouldn't be able to make graphics like these ~.~ I could make pixel sprites though, if you'd like to make a pixel rpg. ;v;
SenariumRagnar's avatar
Thanks you very much but this project is still going to take some years and wont change is graphics style until then (Unless if I'm really unable to find someone .-. )
somnolent-a's avatar
That's fine! c: If you ever do make a game with this graphic style though, I can't wait to play it! Good luck! ^^
Uglypenguin's avatar
Is it paid work?
Uglypenguin's avatar
If it is, I'm very interested. I want to get into thr video gae industry, and own my own company. I'm trying to save up for a more powerful pc to finish the game I'm currently working on.
SenariumRagnar's avatar
As almost ten persons worked on this project totally for free I don't really think it's respectful to only pay one person. However I'm conscious that it'll be difficult to find a talented graphist capable of imitating another's one art for free.
So that's why I don't really have an answer to that question at the moment. 

Are you capable of doing work like the exemple I gave on my other post ? If yes, please let me see some of them so we can see if you're able to help us after an 
agreement in the future.

Also, good look for your own project, gamedev is a domain so intesting where everyone as a lot to learn !
Uglypenguin's avatar
I'm sorry, I didn't see your other post. I did look at your profile though, and pixel art is one of my best skills. Check out my portfolio- upartproductions.weebly.com/

I have most, but not all my pixel art on there
Helhime's avatar
Are you working on a videogame? That's cool!
A RPG? I'm a big fan of RPGs. 
SenariumRagnar's avatar
Yep it's an RPG, thanks for the encouragement (^∀^*)