Furries is an offensive term!

LordOfTheSofa's avatar
*sigh* Hello. My name is LordOfTheSofa. And I am an anthro artist admirer. Though I am NOT a fetishist.

In my opinion, depending on who's saying it and in what way, "furry" is a derogatory term on the level of calling one of African descent a "n-word".

Please. Have some respect for us. VCL? Isolated cases.

Maybe I'm addressing a dead issue, but the term "furries" now seems somewhat derogatory to me. Perhaps it was because of some former friends of mine I used to associate with, but that's a different story.

Thank you.

~LordOfTheSofa :rolleyes:
anonymous's avatar
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SaiScribbles's avatar
Okie Dokie then. Closed at the request of the poster.
SaiScribbles's avatar
Isn't there a difference between Anthros and Furries? :roll:
kronix's avatar
Yes, I believe furries have a slightly different colour pelt than anthros.
LordOfTheSofa's avatar
I think I was more or less trying to say that...But with everyone yelling at me now I can't remember. :confused: x_x

Threadkill, please, Sai-Sai, so that people will stop berating me, regardless of how much I may have been asking for it?
theinterloper's avatar
................... :crazy:

ShadowLotus2's avatar
I think you're just a tad bit sensitive. Judt don't allow that kinf of thing to bother you so much.
appleshampooch's avatar
how is it offensive?...
LordOfTheSofa's avatar
Eh...Maybe it just picked up an offensive connotation to me.

To me and some of my friends, it sort of has grown to imply yiff, or the weird stuff that sometimes pops up at VCL.

I dunno...*sigh* Like I said...Any admins that see this, please delete the thread for me...
appleshampooch's avatar
I dunno. Whenever I hear the term, I usually imagine people running around with fake bunny ears and stuff... not animal porn
LordOfTheSofa's avatar

...Dammit, if I could've, I would've deleted this thread by now. dA needs a "delete-one's-own-thread" option. x_x
thenonartist's avatar
Please you waste my time with this? Dude furries are just that, furries. Is the term offensive, yes it is ent to be. Is it on the same level as nigger, Hell no. what are you thinking, honestly, please just calm yourself down, maybe pop a few riddlin or something, before you go and embarras yourself further.
Subversive-imaginati's avatar
:lmao: please tell me your kidding...that is a dumbest thing I have ever heard, dude furry is just a word used to describe something that has fur, you most certainly cannot apply it to people no matter how foxfire snuffikins of the high blood clan insists that people who like anthros are 'furrys'.
tedikuma's avatar
No. The term "furry" is not on the same level as "nigger". :|
LordOfTheSofa's avatar
To anthro artists it might be. =|

You know what? Admins, kill this thread for me. Either I suck at presenting my points, I have weird points, or...Yeah. Just kill it. Not just lock---delete it.
tedikuma's avatar
Well, I used to draw furry-related artwork. But I was never offended by the word "furry"...
dxd's avatar
Shhhhh don't ruin his little world where people really care about what art you like.
zlim's avatar
Well it could be worse. Could've been goth-furry
LordOfTheSofa's avatar
Hmmm...Let's go for the record here.

zlim's avatar
Ok I'll try to top it off

LordOfTheSofa's avatar
...That one's not as psychotic. But it's weirder and harder to keep track of.

*shall continue this elsewhere, as the thread will likely die any minute now*
zlim's avatar
ah ah ah ah stayin' alive stayin' alive
zlim's avatar
That's like some sort of hellspawn :fear:
LordOfTheSofa's avatar
The sad thing is that it probably exists.

The even sadder thing is that it probably exists on dA. O_O
zlim's avatar
Probably. But it's intresting though