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Americas - UPDATED



So i was trying to make outlines of the world, and came out with this. It is a Mercator map. It is slightly possible i may do another, with asia and europe, maybe africa in another set. If anyone wants that, leave a comment for it. This took about 5 (rough guess) hours and i think I may have strained my pointer finger. It may be irreversible! OH NOES!

so yeah... download and fave if used. If used please give me a link, whether it be by comment or note, does not matter.

Made in CS2.


OOPS! i just realized a problem in northern canada islands! I'll fix it and upload soon.

Edit: Okie dokie, that's finished, and I even included the UK! hurrah!

Looks like :iconlukeroberts: made a much more detailed, and complete map of the world.

World Map

Also, I love how much people care to comment with a thanks, or even a fave. I appreciate it 3000 people
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Oskua's avatar
So useful, thanks so much.