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Sesshoumaru and Rin: Reminder



I think Sesshoumaru-sama is relieved today that he is in his usual outfit...instead of that disgraceful geisha look I made him endure. :XD:
But he is still upset with me so he is staying away from the foreground.....:(
This one is more folktale-ish. Once upon a time, brother and sister met a strange girl...

Rin goes off to fetch food near a peaceful and prosperous village, and befriends a couple of village children. :D

She doesn't have very good memories of human village, but I'm sure she encounters kindness and warmth of other humans from time to time...

Sesshoumaru and Jaken have come for Rin, but they are not noticed.

Those children would have never imagined that they were less than 10ft away from a daiyoukai! (and a little green youkai)
When I was little, I've always wondered about possibility of being near mythical creatures without me knowing it....;)

Congratulation to Jaken-sama! he has made two consecutive appearances! :clap:

I do not own Rin, Sesshoumaru, and Jaken.
Villege children are foo-dog's original.
This drawing is foo-dog's. Please do not redistribute.
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1206x794px 624.6 KB
© 2006 - 2024 foo-dog
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LadyofAzzaroth's avatar
Fantastic Artwork :heart: