Please read this

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fnafycreepypastas's avatar

This person ( ) steals other people's models (he/she edit them (or take parts) and claim as him/her own), sometimes he/she doesn't even edit the model just says it's his / her.

He/she edited a bit the textures  of my Cala Maria model (the old version) and said it was his/her model)

This is my model:

MMD | Cala Maria DL ( UPDATE)
Remaking Cala Maria

And this is "his/her" model:

(MMD/Cuphead/TDA) Cuphead Gang

he/she also stole a model from my friend:


I have seen his gallery and they were literally all stolen models.

  He/she edited and stole swatmare and  dego4ever2getter 's  models too.

I am really disgusted of those kinds of people who seem to have a hard time putting a simple credit in the description as if nobody realize of this.

Every time you tell him something like, "this is not your model" or "this is my model", he/she denies it and reports the comment as spam.

  Because of people like this some good mmders leave da.

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