The Coral Highwayfmacmanus on DeviantArt

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August 31, 2016
The Coral Highway by fmacmanus is an excellent piece of concept art in illustration of its story.
Featured by cosmicbound
Suggested by psoty
fmacmanus's avatar

The Coral Highway



The coral highway is a vast network of roads and tunnels that exist inside the coral matrix in Blue Valley. Through these tunnels, many families and caravans travel to various settlements and destinations all throughout the valley.

The creature depicted in this image, usually referred to as a Puffel is one of the main domesticated animals used to haul cargo throughout the valley. Throughout their lifespan their internal air bulbs grow until they are able to bear heavy loads, and many merchants even offer Puffel rides as a method of transportation! When they are born, their skin is transparent, showing their complex organs- however as they grow older the skin thickens until only small sections have the red glow about them.
Image size
1600x919px 392.63 KB
© 2016 - 2025 fmacmanus
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etinflation's avatar

How interesting it is to travel the worlds that you have created. Explore these worlds, learn stories, meet the inhabitants.